Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cartoon look alikes?

   So I was watching The Incredibles and I saw a character that looked like a WWE superstar, then I got to thinking how many can I spot in Disney movies? So I'm going to make a blog post of some superstars that I think look like Disney movie characters.

Maryse and Mirage from The Incredibles

Randy Orton and Dimitri from Anastasia (I know this is a Fox movie, but whatever. :P)

Eve Torres and Meg from Hercules

The Bella Twins and Jasmine from Aladdin


Natalya and Sleeping Beauty


Alberto Del Rio<3 and Prince Naveen from Princess and the Frog

John Cena and Phoebus from Hunchback of Notre Dame


Cody Rhodes and Milo from Atlantis (I could not for the life of me find a good picture of these two so I just settled for these.)


So these were all I could think of for now, but I have a feeling I'll do some more later.(:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

RAW / July 25, 2011

So last night was RAW, and underwhelming is probably the best word to use here.

Last week we learned Vince McMahon was relieved of his duties as chairman of the board, so this week we began the new 'Triple H era'. Now I started off watching the show with an open mind and I was really hoping for some change, but I think RAW fell flat this week.

We did get some change and it began not with talking but with an actual match. I know that's hard to believe, but instead of someone going out and talking for 10-20 minutes to start the show we got a match first thing. Another thing we haven't seen in a long time was a Diva's match that was longer than 30 seconds and guess what we have lined up for next week? A number one contenders match for the Diva's championship. When was the last time you saw one of those? Yeah, it's been a while. And do I even have to bring up the fact Zack Ryder FINALLY got some TV time, even if it was in a minute long match against Cole? No, I don't. And of course, how many people missed Jim Ross?? Thankfully he's back right where he belongs on commentary.

But really I think some of this was just to distract us from noticing there was a lot of the same old same old going on this week. Who was the winner of the Diva's match? None other than Kelly Kelly, same as the past few weeks. Who ended up winning the title? Rey Mysterio but, did he walk away with the championship belt? No, that ended up going right back to the guy who had it and will most likely keep it until Wrestlemania 28, John Cena. Did Cole steal way too much of the show again? Yes he did just like he has for way too freaking long and he's going to be a big part of Smackdown next week when he will decide if he wants to stay in the WWE or quit. And we were introduced to the WWE 'Spinner' Belt on April 11, 2005 and the WWE had a chance to change it but they keep the same belt even though it was suppose to be the beginning of a new era. I understand that they kept it just because CM Punk had to come back with the same title but I think that belt looks hideous and they need to change it as soon as they can and I was really hoping it would be last night.

Even with everything I was disappointed in, I was beyond happy when I saw CM Punk return. I think he has an amazing new image now. New shirt, new theme and of course the WWE Championship belt around his waist. And I'm really glad to see WWE added it to the page so everyone can order it now. I bet those people who paid hundreds for the shirts on eBay feel pretty stupid now.

But all that being said I really hope eventually the WWE changes and in a good way, maybe it just takes some time. I really think it's a move in the right direction now though. Hopefully the new 'Triple H era' picks up after kind of failing last night.

I would rate the show a 7/10.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Signs of the Week

Raw July 18th
Superstars July 21st

Smackdown July 22nd
Isn't that awesome?? :D

And did anyone else catch this lol?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Smackdown / July 22, 2011

* This post has results from this weeks taping of Smackdown in it. This does not contain spoilers though it does have the results from all matches. *

My name is- oh wait, that's Randy Orton's thing.

So Smackdown was on last night and I really wasn't as impressed with it as I was with Superstars. I think it was because of the fact that the story lines seem to go on too long and we're given the same things every week. A perfect example of this is the Randy Orton 'My name is.', which is kind of exactly what Alberto Del Rio does on Raw. Smackdown doesn't have a top of the line roster by any means but, they have good talent and they seem to fail to use it week, after week, after week. I'd love to see someone other that Christian, Randy Orton or Mark Henry start the show. Don't get me wrong I love Orton, I'm just kind of tired of him by now.

Ezekiel Jackson and Christian, for me, was a big disappointment. Christian really hasn't been doing so hot the past couple of weeks or even the past few years to be honest and I really think the only reason he's not mid-card anymore is because of Edge leaving after Wrestlemania 28. The fact that Ezekiel and Christian are so far apart in weight difference and pretty much everything else should've made the match go in Ezekiel's favor but Christian ended up winning. I think this would've been better if they made two matches out of it like Christian vs. Evan Bourne and Ezekiel Jackson vs. Mark Henry.

Daniel Bryan really has a shot to be a top performer in the WWE. That being said I just don't like the guy. He's good in the ring, no doubt. He's smart and has good mic skills, and he's worked his way to the top for years to get to where he wants to be. He has everything that it takes to be a competitor in the ring and on the mic but with all that, I still don't think the guy really has that extra 'umph' to be a main event at Wrestlemania or have the exciting matches like the one we saw at Money in the Bank between CM Punk and John Cena. I could see him having the Intercontinental Championship and maybe staying in that league for a while, but until then I really don't take him seriously. Either he's not given the right push he needs, it's too much too fast, or he really just doesn't have it. I'm not too sure yet.

However, Heath Slater is a total mystery to me. I don't really know where they found the guy, what they were thinking or what's up with his hair but something about him makes my skin crawl. His hair for one thing is just flat out weird to me. His image is non-existent. He is good in the ring and he does give a lot to have good matches but my god. When he picks up a microphone I just feel like crying for some reason. It's either his voice or just the fact he hasn't been given the proper training but man, it sounds bad. I'd much rather just watch him wrestle than listen to him talk. But, with some good training and lots and LOTS of practice with his mic skills he could really go far.

The match between these two was awesome. They're both kind of in the same weight class and even though Bryan might've had a little bit more experience than Slater they really did have a great match and I think it was the best one of the night. They really balanced each other out since Slater has so much charisma and Bryan has a lot of in ring talent I think they worked together perfectly. Even though it was overshadowed by the main event that didn't seem to deliver as much as this match.

Now let's be honest here for a minute. For all the years Mark Henry has been in the WWE, he's never really talked much. I think now that we're finally able to hear him talk and be in somewhat over promoted matches we kind of start to realize why we never see him do much during Smackdown. Him and The Big Show are almost inner changeable with their in ring abilities. They both are large guys who can pick up huge amounts of weight and they have both been in the business for a while now. But a disadvantage to them being large is the fact they not only lose steam in a match fast since they don't have the best stamina but they also tend to not have the best mic talents. I don't see Mark Henry going anywhere from the spot he's in now. He will probably stay a mid-card heel for the rest of his time in the WWE and it might be rightfully so.

I'm not going to lie, I totally forgot Wade Barrett and Sheamus even fought last night. But aside from that I really like these two and I feel like they're really going to go somewhere if they get the right kind of pushes and are promoted the right way. And in a few years I really wouldn't mind seeing either one of them in Wrestlemania or maybe even in a few months headlining a couple of pay-per-views. After watching it back it really was a good match up until the point when they both got counted out. It was kind of a bummer ending to a really good match and I wish it would've ended better but the kick at the end looked real painful. Seeing the end of it really made me think they could seriously hurt someone if they wanted to.

I've always felt Kane gives really good speeches and that's exactly what we got out of Kane's short promo. He's just one of those creepy guys that's strange and if you were lost in a strange town you've never been in before you wouldn't ask him for directions. His image really isn't the same since he lost his mask a few years ago but still, the man is really great at what he does. The promos to the matches to the movies, the guy is really great at what he does. Cody Rhodes doesn't do the same for me no matter how hard they try to push him to be like Kane. It just doesn't work as well. It would've been even better if we didn't have the lame music though.

So when was the last time you remember seeing a decent street fight on Smackdown that didn't end in someone interfering? Yeah I don't either. When was the last time you saw Orton in a match that didn't have Christian interfering in? Yeah, it's been a while. I wouldn't go as far to say that it was a great match because I really believe Bryan and Slater had the best match of the night but it was, for being a street fight, decent. We saw a minor table tip that probably wasn't scripted and I believe I saw flashes of the old WWE when kendo sticks and the steel stairs were in fact weapons. I really think the PG era is leaving and we're going back to the way it used to be and hopefully they'll re-release the Ladder Matches DVD to something other than black and white, because until then I won't be buying it. But nonetheless, the match was decent and better than some of the matches we've watched on Smackdown as of late. And the handshake at the end was a great way to end it.

But of course Mark Henry came out there and 'broke' Kane's leg like he did to the Big Show at Money in the Bank. I really don't understand where they're going with this whole thing. To me, I think it's a horrible storyline and I hope Kane comes back soon with his old image and goes after Mark Henry to retire him. Kane really hasn't been the same since he lost his mask.  Hopefully they'll bury this Mark Henry storyline like it never happened.

So how did you like Smackdown this week? What would be somethings you would've changed to the show? And did you miss the Divas who were MIA this week? Leave comments, I'd love to read your opinions on Smackdown.(:

Summer of Punk Dailybooth:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The CM Punk's invasion of Comic Con 2011

For those who haven't seen the video I linked below so you know what I'm talking about.

To be completely honest I'm not into Comic Con nor could I tell you exactly what they do there. All I know is that they talk about comic books and they show the new action figures coming out during it. So it was kind of a given WWE would be there since they have new action figures out but I couldn't tell you exactly what the meaning of it was. The 2:52 video shows CM Punk and his megaphone walking into a press conference full of WWE fans and personnel along with Triple H who as of Monday 'took over Mr. McMahon's job as chairman. Being the outspoken person he is he starts asking questions about Zack Ryder being on TV (which we don't get an answer about for some reason) and he also kind of challenges Triple H to a match in Chicago. At the very end he says they could call him about it and he was sure that Stephanie had his number (For those who don't know that's Triple H's wife.) and walks out with the WWE championship belt and the crowd cheers "CM Punk".

Now first let me say that I think this whole CM Punk story line is something of pure genius. I follow a lot of WWE fans on Twitter and I can tell you right now I have never seen so many people excited for a pay-per-view like they were for Money in the Bank. Even if you're not a CM Punk fan and you're part of the CeNation, you were excited to see what the outcome would be for the match. After countless pay-per-views that were not only predictable but just flat out not entertaining Money in the Bank was, in my opinion and I think many would agree with me, better than Wrestlemaina 27. And I truly hate Cena's character but even if CM Punk lost, I would still have to tell you it was a hell of a match. There were some parts that you kind of felt like no one would win. They not only sold the match wonderfully, they delivered on a main event and it's something the WWE hasn't done in a long time.

So you could imagine how excited everyone got once the video of CM Punk's Comic Con invasion was uploaded on YouTube this afternoon. He gave us the same outspoken speeches and asked the un-askable questions that I couldn't see any other superstar asking other than maybe Stone Cold Steve Austin. You could tell by the CM Punk shirts by the people in the audience WWE fans haven't given up on the fact he might or should come back. Even though I myself do not believe CM Punk is really not wanted in the WWE and I also don't believe Mr. McMahon has left the company I really hope he hasn't. John Cena has been 'the name and face of the *PG* WWE' for quite some time now. Yes, fans do buy his shirts and you better believe next Monday night there will be CeNation signs all over the arena and once he steps out of the back the fans will cheer him as loud as or maybe even louder than they did last week. But, the company can only survive on one superstar for so long before people will get tired of being fed the same things every week. CM Punk was and still is a breath of fresh air and brought honesty to RAW.

Comic Con was a way for the WWE to not only have people by merchandise by the hundreds of dollars but also a way for them to continue the storyline from Money in the Bank and last Monday night's RAW. Punk failed to show up last week but having him at Comic Con will only cause a bigger demand to see the unemployed wrestler on next weeks' episode. This was a great way to further the angle and maybe even bring Triple-H into the story.

In my opinion I think this was a really great move even if it wasn’t planned and he really did just show up. But honestly every time he shows up to an event or a show you know something memorable is going to happen during it. I only hope that the WWE doesn’t stop with this and when they do decide it’s gone on too long brings it to an end. Unlike the Lawler/Cole thing that I think we can all agree went on way too long and overshadowed more deserving matches at the grandest stage of them all. Within the past few weeks CM Punk has gone from a heel to really turning half of the CeNation to a Punk fan, shown he is not only great on the microphone but also can give us amazing matches during a high intensity situation and he can also do whatever he wants. I mean I’m sure we can still remember watching the first speech he shot a few weeks ago and we asked ourselves if it was real or not. That’s how you know the man can sell a promo. We can only hope that if in fact CM Punk is not really fired he will stay around for another year or two before he finally does call it quits. And who knows, since Triple H is ‘in charge now’ maybe we’ll even cut the PG thing out and go back to the WWE we know and love.

So my questions to you are; do you like CM Punk? Did you think the Comic Con stunt was good or bad? And do you want Punk to stay around for a few more months, years or maybe for the rest of his life? Leave everything down below because I’d love to read them.(:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Now before I start posting on here let me just say a few things.

I'm 16 and I grew up on the WWE. I've been watching for as long as I can remember thanks to my parents who are two huge fans of the show. I grew up on Lita, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, The Rock, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Trish Stratus and all the wonderful wrestlers not superstars. I love the WWE, my room is filled with the posters, I have the action figures and the DVDs. I have tons of magazines and one dates all the way back to 2001. I will always watch this show no matter what direction it takes or who is in charge of it and my children will watch it too and hopefully their children and so on.

But with that being said, I am not in any way a 'journalist'. I don't take it in school and the most writing I do is when I need to do a research paper. These blog postings will be about RAW, SMACKDOWN and maybe even some reviews on DVDs, magazines and other things about WWE. But, please be aware of the fact I don't claim to be a top of the line writer or researcher. These posts are not going to be as nicely done as some people's blogs who have been doing this for 5+ years. I'm just simply a fan who has opinions and thoughts about the shows they produce and I decided to make a blog about it. Don't expect too much, I'm only 16 and this is just a hobby for me.

I don't really expect this to get very far or even have more than 100 something viewers. I won't get paid for this, it's just something to do in my free time. Whatever gets posted on here is not meant to be an official review of a show and if I use the wrong term for something don't be an ass about it and just nicely comment and tell me where I went wrong. And while we're on the subject, don't be rude on the comments or I will block you from this blog. There is no need for you to make yourself look ridiculous on here.

So with all that being said thank you for looking at this and I hope you'll like what I post. I will try to update this everyday to look at what you guys are saying about my blog and your thoughts on things. Have a good day.(:

Summer of Punk Dailybooth: