Tuesday, July 26, 2011

RAW / July 25, 2011

So last night was RAW, and underwhelming is probably the best word to use here.

Last week we learned Vince McMahon was relieved of his duties as chairman of the board, so this week we began the new 'Triple H era'. Now I started off watching the show with an open mind and I was really hoping for some change, but I think RAW fell flat this week.

We did get some change and it began not with talking but with an actual match. I know that's hard to believe, but instead of someone going out and talking for 10-20 minutes to start the show we got a match first thing. Another thing we haven't seen in a long time was a Diva's match that was longer than 30 seconds and guess what we have lined up for next week? A number one contenders match for the Diva's championship. When was the last time you saw one of those? Yeah, it's been a while. And do I even have to bring up the fact Zack Ryder FINALLY got some TV time, even if it was in a minute long match against Cole? No, I don't. And of course, how many people missed Jim Ross?? Thankfully he's back right where he belongs on commentary.

But really I think some of this was just to distract us from noticing there was a lot of the same old same old going on this week. Who was the winner of the Diva's match? None other than Kelly Kelly, same as the past few weeks. Who ended up winning the title? Rey Mysterio but, did he walk away with the championship belt? No, that ended up going right back to the guy who had it and will most likely keep it until Wrestlemania 28, John Cena. Did Cole steal way too much of the show again? Yes he did just like he has for way too freaking long and he's going to be a big part of Smackdown next week when he will decide if he wants to stay in the WWE or quit. And we were introduced to the WWE 'Spinner' Belt on April 11, 2005 and the WWE had a chance to change it but they keep the same belt even though it was suppose to be the beginning of a new era. I understand that they kept it just because CM Punk had to come back with the same title but I think that belt looks hideous and they need to change it as soon as they can and I was really hoping it would be last night.

Even with everything I was disappointed in, I was beyond happy when I saw CM Punk return. I think he has an amazing new image now. New shirt, new theme and of course the WWE Championship belt around his waist. And I'm really glad to see WWE added it to the shop.com page so everyone can order it now. I bet those people who paid hundreds for the shirts on eBay feel pretty stupid now.

But all that being said I really hope eventually the WWE changes and in a good way, maybe it just takes some time. I really think it's a move in the right direction now though. Hopefully the new 'Triple H era' picks up after kind of failing last night.

I would rate the show a 7/10.

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