Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Now before I start posting on here let me just say a few things.

I'm 16 and I grew up on the WWE. I've been watching for as long as I can remember thanks to my parents who are two huge fans of the show. I grew up on Lita, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, The Rock, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Trish Stratus and all the wonderful wrestlers not superstars. I love the WWE, my room is filled with the posters, I have the action figures and the DVDs. I have tons of magazines and one dates all the way back to 2001. I will always watch this show no matter what direction it takes or who is in charge of it and my children will watch it too and hopefully their children and so on.

But with that being said, I am not in any way a 'journalist'. I don't take it in school and the most writing I do is when I need to do a research paper. These blog postings will be about RAW, SMACKDOWN and maybe even some reviews on DVDs, magazines and other things about WWE. But, please be aware of the fact I don't claim to be a top of the line writer or researcher. These posts are not going to be as nicely done as some people's blogs who have been doing this for 5+ years. I'm just simply a fan who has opinions and thoughts about the shows they produce and I decided to make a blog about it. Don't expect too much, I'm only 16 and this is just a hobby for me.

I don't really expect this to get very far or even have more than 100 something viewers. I won't get paid for this, it's just something to do in my free time. Whatever gets posted on here is not meant to be an official review of a show and if I use the wrong term for something don't be an ass about it and just nicely comment and tell me where I went wrong. And while we're on the subject, don't be rude on the comments or I will block you from this blog. There is no need for you to make yourself look ridiculous on here.

So with all that being said thank you for looking at this and I hope you'll like what I post. I will try to update this everyday to look at what you guys are saying about my blog and your thoughts on things. Have a good day.(:

Summer of Punk Dailybooth:

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